Optimise and create scalable business critical solutions.
Methameasure Case Study
About Client
MethaMeasure is a provider of a computerised methadone dispensing system helping pharmacies, clinics and correctional facilities dispense methadone quickly, accurately and safely.
Technolgies Used
JavaScript, Ractive.js, Express, Node.js, C#, AWS
Project Brief
The team at MethaMeasure were looking to add more features and flexibility to their dispensing and tracking application and their Controlled Drug Register system (CDRx). These solutions are used by pharmacies and clinics across the UK so, of course, it’s essential that they continue to keep them delighted with the level of service provided.
Methameasure were also looking for an organisation who could provide ongoing development services and support; they decided to work with Pulsion Technology based on their technical expertise and extensive support capabilities.
The outline of the project was to optimise business critical systems that could be scaleable, ensuring they could add and remove users as required. There was also a need to work with a company who could offer ongoing support to the Methameasure team.

The first step in this project was to port the CDRx system to Amazon Web Services (AWS) secure hosted environment. Additionally, the software was added to Pulsion’s application repository to allow for auditable future development. The dispensing system was simplified from multiple product lines to one single version reducing the software complexity and support overhead. This version can be tailored to the requirements of each MethaMeasure client.
As a result of hosting CDRx securely on AWS, MethaMeasure can be flexible with the scalability of their operations, allowing them to increase / decrease users as required.
Pulsion’s skilled technical team encourages a collaborative approach with MethaMeasure’s team to improve accessibility and speed of implementation for updates.
The CDRx user interface was greatly improved for pharmacists and enables MethaMeasure to scale their operations when required.
Scale your business with innovative digital solutions.