Accelerate your Cloud Migration

When migrating to the cloud, the ability to move and achieve business value fast is a critical differentiator. Organisations begin to lose momentum and executive buy-in wanes if progress stalls. When results are realised too slowly (or aren’t properly quantified and communicated), the business case for migration weakens – potentially jeopardising the project’s financing and support.

Over the last 13 years, AWS has helped thousands of organisations migrate workloads to the cloud to reduce costs, improve operational resiliency, gain business agility, and build a foundation for rapid innovation.

Accelerate Your Cloud Migration Graphic

Key considerations when planning migration

There are a number of factors to consider when planning your cloud migration. Take time to understand where you are today, what your priorities are and what resources you can access. It helps to accelerate and streamline your transition, minimise business disruption, and achieve benefits more quickly. It also helps you clarify what external support you’ll need. Some key areas to consider include:

Business impact – which cloud opportunities will deliver the greatest business value and where are the quick-wins that will demonstrate impact and build belief within the business?

Skills and expertise – How much in-house expertise do you have and what sort of external support will you require? For example, do you have IT people who have been through a cloud migration previously and understand how different workloads run in the cloud?

Time to value – How quickly are you looking to achieve the business benefits? What’s the opportunity cost of resource constraints delaying your migration and what else could you invest in to grow your business if you accelerate your migration plans?

Current environment complexity – How complex is your current on-premises IT environment and what interdependencies exist? Understanding this will help you plan a phased transition and identify the support you’ll need.

Security and compliance needs – What are the specific security and compliance requirements of your business? How can adopting cloud solutions with in-built security and resilience improve your ability to protect your users and your data?

Ongoing management – How will you manage your cloud-based applications post-migration? Will you do everything in-house or will you be looking for an external partner to provide some level of managed service

Three Phase Migration Process

While every migration is different, in the course of our 25 years’ experience helping organisations of all maturities, industries, and geographies migrate to the cloud, we’ve seen a standardised process take shape

It can be broken down into three phases of activity:

  1. Assess needs and build the business case
  2. Mobilise (including due diligence and detailed planning)
  3. Migrate and modernise

Following this three phase approach is the best way for your organisation to efficiently and quickly migrate tens or hundreds of workloads.

Accelerate Your Cloud Migration Diagram

Phase 1: Assess

In the assess phase, we help assess your on-premises or co-location resources and build a right sized and optimised cost projection for running workloads in the cloud. We work with AWS to offer services and tools that can help, along with our experience helping many companies like yours plan this journey.

Phase 2: Mobilise

In the mobilise phase, we help address gaps in your organisation’s readiness that were uncovered in the assessment phase, with a focus on building your baseline environment (the ‘landing zone’), driving operational readiness and developing cloud skills.

Phase 3: Migrate and modernise

During the migrate and modernise phase, each of your workload will be designed, migrated and validated.

Many businesses use migration as a valuable opportunity to also modernise their business by re-factoring technology. Some proven ways to do this include:

  • Infrastructure automation
  • Agile development practices
  • Cloud-native architectural patterns
  • Windows modernisation, database modernisation, and product-based operating models

These methods accelerate innovation and increase agility, resiliency, and efficiency to accelerate your speed to market and customer outcomes.

The right cloud provider brings access to a deep well of best practice methodologies, tools, solutions, and expertise – resources that can help you realise business benefits faster. AWS has a proven track record supporting businesses large and small through every stage of their AWS cloud migration. Our combined experience accelerates and streamlines the process without undue business interruption, delivering greater cost-efficiency and overall effectiveness.

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AWS Serverless Solutions

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