Cloud Migration – it’s more important than ever

Cloud migration is a term that’s been talked about for a number of years but adoption is not universal across all businesses or industry sectors. Those who have not embraced cloud infrastructures have found out lately just how difficult trying to operate as normal can be when the full infrastructure for remote working is not in place. Those who had fully embraced cloud migration have found how much of a benefit this is to business continuity.

What is normal?

One of the most used phrases of 2020 will undoubtedly be The New Normal. We use it widely because none of us know what normal will look like. We can be certain that social distancing measures will be in place for some time to come and that means workplaces will need to adapt. There is a lot of talk of at least some form of remote working being in place for a while, with some businesses saying they will adopt a work from anywhere policy with the office being a place to meet rather than staff being there all day every day. Businesses who decide to continue with remote operations longer term will need to ensure there is a robust cloud infrastructure in place. There are 3 major business drivers to adopting a fully cloud infrastructure in a business:

Business Continuity

Businesses who had already fully adopted cloud solutions were able to move from office to remote working seamlessly at the start of the pandemic. It literally a “lift and shift” approach to working with no impact on their customers. Those who weren’t fully on board with cloud needed to do some work to make sure they could continue with their operations throughout this period. Business continuity remains one of the key drivers of cloud migration and now more than ever that has proven to be the case.


If the predictions of continued remote working comes to fruition then it offers businesses much more flexibility in terms of their workforce. No longer will employees need to live within a certain radius of the office for commuting. Businesses will be able to hire from further afield and that opens up a wider pool of talent for hiring the best for a role. Cloud infrastructure ensures employees can work from anywhere as long as they have the necessary logins and security protocols in place.


Cloud infrastructure enables businesses to scale up and down when required based on business conditions. Again, during this pandemic if businesses needed to scale operations back then their requirements from their cloud service provider could scale accordingly. Likewise, any who saw increases in demand could scale up quickly and securely as well. On-premise solutions don’t offer this amount of flexibility to be able to adapt to changing situations when required.

Read our guide to Enabling Transformation with Cloud Migration

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