
International Women’s Day: Our Women in Tech

This International Women’s Day Pulsion asked some of our women in tech what inspired them to start their career in the technology industry and their words of wisdom to girls who want to get involed in technology!

Francesca Bonini, Software Engineer

Francesca is an intregal member of our team, and has worked at Pulsion for 5 years!

What first got you interested in technology?

I’ve always been curious about how things work, especially computers! And therefore a university path that included IT was just a natural choice for me.

What’s the best part of your job?

Developing and improving my techical skills for sure!

Do you feel there is a good gender balance within the industry?

No, but the problem is not within the industry, the root of the problem is way deeper. There should be initiatives to change the way people look at IT and technology as subjects of study. The way girls are raised and how society presents the role of a woman in the family and in the workplace needs to change- girls should be encouraged to study tech subjects!

What would you say to any women wanting to start a career in technology?

That it doesn’t matter if you are a woman/girl, if you’re interested and passionate about something you should just follow your instinct and do it. 


Xiao Li, Software Engineer

Xiao has worked in the technology industry for 3 years, and been an intregal member of the Pulsion team for 1 year!

What first got you interested in technology?

Computer games! 

What is the best part of your job?

Coding. I love seeing our products being used, that I’ve helped develop!

Do you feel there is a good gender balance within the tech industry?

No, even at college I don’t think there’s a good gender balance. I think there needs to be more training and encouragement about technology to girls, to improve their interest.

What would you say to any women wanting to start a career in technology?

Do it! Always try figure out problems by yourself and practice coding all the time. You’ll love it!


Rachel Currie, Marketing

Rachel handles all Pulsion digital marketing and has worked in marketing for 2 years.

What first got you interested in technology?

I love innovations and technology, I have done a lot of research into the use of technology within the fashion industry; using AI for ecommerce and wearable technology- really exciting stuff!

What’s the best part of your job?

Seeing innovative projects from start to finish, learning about new technologies and how people can apply them.

Do you think there’s a good gender balance within the industry?

At Pulsion, I’ve always felt like there’s been a great balance, but I know from University etc., the technology courses weren’t that well attended by females. But I think with encouragement there could be more of a balance.

What would you say to any women wanting to start a career in technology?

You’re not alone! There’s so much opportunity in this industry, don’t let you gender mask your desires. Even if you don’t see yourself as a software engineer or an IT specialist, this industry is so great to get in to and there is constantly something going on, it’s so forward thinking and creative. Even a career in graphic or digital design is really up-and-coming and will become an intregal skill in our world.


Carole Ancia, Software Engineer

Pulsion’s newest woman in the office! Carole has worked in the industry for 8 years.

What first got you interested in technology?

I’ve always been intrigued by computers and how it works, since I was young. I started to learn by myself rather early on, but also to find out if I loved doing this job every day and, therefore, pick my studies accordingly.

What’s the best part of your job?

Persoanlly, what I like the most is being able to learn continuously and to try new things, as this industry is constantly evolving. I also like to challenge myself and solve problems that I first thought would never be able to overcome.

Do you feel there’s a good gender balance within the industry?

I’m not sure, I think there are a lot more girls in the industry now, but there’s always room for improvement. Perhaps at school-level more girls could be encouraged to take an interest in technological studies.

What would you say to any women wanting to start a career in technology?

Stay curious and be keen on improving yourself, try new things regularly. You also need to be perserverant, as this job can sometimes be frustrating, if you’re stuck on a problem for a long time. But we’re strong women, we can handle it and it’s really worth it!

If you’re thinking about starting a course in a technology discipline or even just kicking off your career, and you’d like to know more about the work we do, get in touch! We’re happy to chat!

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