The negative impact of agile on development teams

66% of organisations are facing a negative impact on their development teams since moving to agile project management

Whilst the majority of organisations (more than 60%) are in the process of moving to Agile because of the clear benefits when it’s done right. It’s not all roses. There is a significant cultural shift required to be truly agile and the results of the recent research we commissioned demonstrate some of the challenges organisations are facing.

60% said there is low understanding within their organisation about the different agile methodologies available. As with most things it’s essential that every part of the business understands what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Even more alarming is that 51% said Stakeholders/senior managers in their businesses don’t understand agile. This is going to make it a real challenge to work within a business moving to agile and would explain why we found that the morale of development teams has been affected. More than a quarter of companies we spoke to stated there has been a slump in morale within their development teams since adopting agile. While in the Public Sector this has led to a decline in inter departmental relationships with 44% stating this was the case. Other common issues are less detail in documentation and a significant increase in re-works.

43% have over promised clients based on a lack of understanding around Agile and 59% say agile processes are not always properly followed in their organisation.

In our previous blogs we covered the issues faced around predicting timelines and costs and also the struggles around lack of documentation. Add to this the challenges faced within teams and lack of senior leadership understanding and there’s no surprise Agile is, in some cases, causing more rework and therefore costing more money.

At Pulsion we have a hybrid approach to development methods. We take what works of each and using our vast experience can be much more precise about predicting costs and timeline.

Around a quarter of organisations said they are not very good at documentation, costing, defining product requirements and limitations in the scoping phase of a project. We believe in putting in the effort at the scoping phase of the project. It’s all about thinking about where you want the windows in your house before you build walls. We work with our customers to define clear goals and we help them get there quickly and within budget, so you don’t have to knock through bricks to get windows in.

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Image of a woman drawing on a white board discussing a development project to another man in a blue shirt