
Out of date, not fit for purpose fraud management system replaced with fully serverless AWS solution which will meet requirements for years to come

accourt aws serverless


Accourt is a leading provider of strategic and operational consultancy services to the payments industry worldwide.

Project Background

In partnership with Accourt, Pulsion has successfully implemented a fully serverless fraud management and reporting system for a leading UK financial institution. This client provides services around financial and risk policy management across all banking activities within the global financial markets, including capital, liquidity, operational resilience, recovery and resolution, strategic reporting and fraud management.

Through our long-term relationship with Accourt, we have supplied numerous systems with this particular project replacing an existing Fraud Management System based on a SharePoint solution. The sharepoint solution in place was deemed to be “not fit for purpose” with:

  • no ability for reporting,
  • lack of scalability,
  • a UI which wasn’t user-friendly, making the system difficult to use or to follow processes

To address the issues with the legacy system, we proposed a new application which would deliver a fully serverless system deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) replacing the legacy on-premise service. This full project has been designed and built in partnership with the client and other stakeholders working as a collaborative delivery group.

We’ve had a long and successful relationship with Pulsion and they have again delivered. This solution has withstood rigorous internal and independent architectural scrutiny, acceptance and penetration testing. Most importantly, it performs as intended by the requirements and design and we expect it to perform well in a very demanding environment for many years to come. This is all testament to Pulsion’s approach to high-quality delivery and we are very pleased with the outcome.

Vaughan Collie – Managing Partner, Accourt

Why AWS Serverless?

AWS was leveraged to build a serverless, highly resilient, and scalable application utilising multiple back-end microservices and a modern responsive front-end user interface. The many benefits of this solution include:
  • Reduced infrastructure costs – with the application fully hosted in the cloud, the client only pays for services used and no longer has the maintenance costs of the legacy on-premise system.
  • Eliminates maintenance – with all upgrades the responsibility of AWS, the client no longer has to think about upgrades to the operating system, upgrades or patches.
  • Scalability – a fully serverless solution ensures the client can scale their operations quickly when required, removing the need to plan for additional server requirements should system usage increase.
  • Improved Reliability – the services are shared across Availability Zones (AZ) providing a high level of system reliance.
The solution which has been put in place will support over 2,000 users and approximately 20,000 transactions per month and has recently passed an independent audit.

This new solution delivered on the main system requirements – ease of use, scalability and reporting at source and will form the mainstay of Fraud Management for the future.

Paul McAteer, Head of Project Delivery at Pulsion

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