When Is the Right Time for Digital Transformation?

There are multiple reasons you may be considering digital transformation. But while you may have identified what type of digital transformation you would like to undertake, it can sometimes be tricky to identify exactly when it is the right time. To help you, here are some ways to decide when it is the right time for digital transformation:

  • Identified an issue
  • Need for improvement
  • Falling behind competitors
  • Off-season

Identified an Issue

One of the most obvious reasons that it might be the time for digital transformation is that you are facing an issue. There is an infinite number of issues you could be facing such as system errors or lack of needed capability. With digital transformation, you can create a system which addresses your issue to offer your customers and/or employees what they need.

Need For Improvement

Similarly, rather than having identified an issue, it may be that you just require improvements. You may have a clunky out-of-date system that, while it works, is a pain to use. Through digital transformation you can improve your efficiency and employee satisfaction as they no longer struggle with an outdated system.

Falling Behind Competitors

Another drive for digital transformation is your competition. It is important to keep up with, preferably stay ahead of, your competition. This can require digital transformation to improve your capabilities and/or to offer customers a positive experience.


Depending on your business, your work may be seasonal. In this case it can make sense to undertake digital transformation in your off-season when implementing change is less likely to impact customers and when you have more available time.


There could be many reasons that now is the right time for digital transformation for your business. But one important sign is that you are considering it. If you have a reason for digital transformation, then the question may not be if the time is right, but why would it not be.

Still considering if it is the right time for digital transformation, read our blog on 5 Signs You Need a Digital Solution.

If you are considering digital transformation through custom software development, take a look at our tips when considering custom software development.

Scale your business with innovative digital solutions.

Image of a woman drawing on a white board discussing a development project to another man in a blue shirt